
Friday, April 2, 2010

Random bits that were originally added to the last post but didn't really match the subject matter

Currently reading Lanier's You Are Not a Gadget. Brilliant writing without being overly complicated. Demonstrates how thinking and metaphoring about technology/computing isn't just influenced by programmers but by the way we use or allow our selves to be used by the existing technologies. Will probably post a more extensive interaction later. Was a bit gratified to find that he reaches similar conclusions about the social network/friend issue that I've voiced, esp to my captive Comp3121 students. However he is much smarter about it and deeper-reaching.
Also I need to post a copy of a study I received from Dr. Barnes at RIT. Dr. Barnes spoke at Ed-Tech hosted by Ithaca College last week and gave a pretty sweet short review of the study of students, social networks and the interaction with education. She was kind enough to email it to me and I'll try to make it available for your reading pleasure. You can email me directly and ask for it also. Probably the coolest thing is that Dr. Barnes was a student of Dr. Neil Postman which I asked her about after her session and she said he would come in with his briefcase, set it down unopened, toss a question or two out at the class and away they would go. Awesome!

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